Monday 1 December 2008

Thoughts of Christmas

The month has now arrived where we celbrate the birth of Christ. With this joyful season, I have a couple of thoughts that I'd like everyone to consider. Often, I believe that we get too caught up in holiday seasons -- or at least I know that I do. I also know that most people only come to church on Christmas and Easter Days. Think just for a moment about what these holidays celbrate -- the birth and death of Christ. What is missing here? We have a holiday to celebrate that He came. We have a holiday to celebrate that He left, but how often to we celbrate the fact that He was here? I think that too often we focus on the birth and death of Christ -- Christ as a baby and as a Saviour, that we forget to focus on Christ as a man. Yes, it is important that Christ came to the Earth; yes, it is important that He died on a cross to save us all. But let us not forget all that He taught while He was here. Drivig down, yesterday, I was listening to the song "My Enemies Are Men Like Me" by Derek Webb, which starts out "I have come to give you life/ and show you how to live it". Yes, through Christ's death we have been given life, but let's not forget that He came to show us how to live it. I challenge anyone who reads this to spend this advent season getting to know Christ the man.

-- Amy

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