Sunday 30 November 2008

So a couple of weeks ago, I was shocked by a drop in the price of gasoline to 1.96. I was so surprised to see it under $2.00 that I rushed out and filled up my tank, even though it wasn't too low at the time. So when I was driving down the street the day before leaving for Thanksgiving Break, I was really excited to see it down to $1.67. On my trip up to Kansas, I kept a mental note of the prices and the lowest that I saw was $1.51 on some little gas station in the middle of nowhere. On the trip back today, I was happy to get a half tank of gas for $1.51 in Tulsa! I've been really impressed with Tulsa's low prices on gas -- it has had either the lowest or second lowest prices I've seen on both trips. I know that it's kind of silly to write about gas prices, but it really did surprise me. I never really thought that I would see gas prices that low again, so this is quite something.

-- Amy

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