Wednesday 28 January 2009

A fantastic day! Even though it was cold and we were supposed to have two inches of ice on the ground (it didn't make it here), it was an excellent day. I had my etymology and philology class followed by my first History of the English Language meeting. It was fantastic! Getting to spend 2 hours just talking about linguistics. Love it. This is why I want to be a linguistics professsor.. so I can do this every day!!!!

Also, found a Jayhawks game on tonight and watched us beat Nebraska. It's been far too long since I've watched a 'Hawks game. Rock Chalk, Jayhawks!!
-- Amy

Saturday 24 January 2009

I am thankful that I am not very queazy at the sight of blood or vomit. Today reminded me of that fact. Some of my residents sent me an e-mail today, letting me know that someone had gotten sick in their suite bathroom again. I went there and thought that I could just shut down the toilet area. Then I saw the sink. And the door. And I had to shut down the entire bathroom. I asked everyone on that floor if they knew who could have done it, but everyone said that they didn't know. It's a bit frustrating. Not only because I really need to know who keeps getting so drunk that they keep vomiting all over, but I'm also quite concerned about their health! I mean, there was definitely blood in that vomit, which is not a good sign. I tried to disinfect the area as best as I could, but the poor housekeeper is going to have to be the one to clean up again. She really shouldn't have to do that.

So that was the low point of my day.

The high point was this evening. Sam, Beth, and I got together and cooked dinner again. Beth cut up the veggies and made us Greek Salad while Sam cooked the couscous and chicken nuggets and I washed up dishes. It was delicious. Then we went upstairs and watched the Miss America Pageant. I was a bit cynical and displeased with it all, as were the other two, but I did like the fact that all of them looked like they were actually healthy and not anorexic like some previous pageants. I kind of have problems with beauty pageants. Maybe it's because I have bad memories of beauty pageants in Alabama when I was little that I would get all excited about, only to be disappointed. It was fun to dress up, but not to be judged. It was nice, though, to watch it with my friends and discuss our thoughts on beauty and what it means to be beautiful.

That was my day.

-- Amy
Wednesday -- Broke two of my nice dishes while washing them in the sink. One of them, (my ceramic bowl) is really awkwardly shaped and difficult to hold, so when it was in the water, it was even more so. So, I fumbed with it just a bit in the sink and suddenly realized that it had landed on an broken my special crystal stemless wineglass that I had bought for my birthday. Also, the bowl itself had a nasty crack and you could hear the ceramic moving around. So, I had to throw both of them out. It was a little sad, because they both were pretty much the best dishes I have here (excepting my teaset), but I was fine with it, even though it made the day a little sadder. Luckily, though, that evening I got a brilliant e-mail from Hugh which had lots of fantastic youtube videos. So that made the day wonderful again. (Thanks!)

Thursday -- Went to class, went to Target and got a pair of nice new bowls which are microwave safe and easy to hold. Then resumed work on my Oxford application. I had revised my work samples and personal statement the night before, and was awaiting my sister Sarah to look over them for me. In the meantime, I made the mistake of going on And I saw this cute dog named Bandit. Half Border Collie, Half Corgi. How much more wonderful could you get!? Just look at the photos! Anyways, as I said, it's a mistake whenever I go on there, because I inevitably find a pet I would like, but I can't get one right now. I mean, I'm not sure where I"m going to be next year and I might even be in a different country. So, sorry Bandit, hopefully you'll have a better home.

Friday -- finished revisions and submitted my application at 2am (8am Oxford Time)!!! Was really happy about that, so went to bed, slept in, had oatmeal for breakfast. Also, finally received all of my books needed for my History of English Language class! Huzzah! Finished off the day by having a lovely albeit rushed dinner with my friends Sam and Beth. We baked up some whole grain bread and had some whole grain pasta w/ sauce. Delicious! Watched the episodes of Monk and Psych while eating some cookie dough for desert.

And that's it for now! I pretty much just got up, so I'm going to get ready and go to Lunch!

-- Amy

Tuesday 20 January 2009

A Day of Hope

Woke up early this morning, excited to start this historic day. Went out, ate breakfast in the cafeteria, and settled into a seat at the Burrow at 10:00. I was ready. The Satellite feed was already on, and as it got closer to 10:30, the Burrow began to fill up around me 'till it was packed. As the pomp and circumstance filled the air, I noted the interesting fact about the inauguration. We, as Americans, have very few formal traditions. Yes, holidays are, to a point formalized, but we really have very few national ceremonies. And here was one of them. Every four years, we celebrate the peaceful passage of power (or retainment of it), through this ceremony. However, this one was particularly significant. I shy from using terms based on the color of his skin, because I do not think that the color of a man's skin defines him. However, there's no denying that for the first time, a black man was elected president. This is huge. Just 40 years ago, it would have been nearly inconceivable that any man with a black father would be sworn into the Oval Office. And, when I saw Obama emerge from the White House, I felt tears in my eyes. This is what many people in America had suffered for. As they said in the Inaugural Address, finally, "the words spoken on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial have reached the White House". Amazing.
The entire procedure was inspiring for me. I felt that John William's composition for the Inauguration, as performed by Yo-Yo Ma and Itzak Perlman, was absolutely beautiful. And Obama's speech was inspiring. It offered a frank look at the dire situation of our country, but offered us hope and reminded us that through unity as a nation, we can survive the current struggles. It offered a gesture of peace to the Islamic world which has long been overdue, without giving disrespect to those who have fought for our country. And of course, it recognized those individuals who fought for full recognition of their freedom those years ago in our own country. As I saw the older people in the crowd, I wondered at what an amazing thing it must be to them to see this happening. I came from the Address, feeling revitalized, inspired, and hopeful.
The rest of the day was, naturally, fantastic. I called my mom and she had been able to watch the Inaugural Address at her school, though, of course, the atmosphere was not entirely as joyful as that here at Hendrix. She marvelled and spoke with me about how unreal it still seemed. For someone who lived through the 60s, saw the protests, the struggle for civil rights, it's astounding for her to see Obama in the presidency. Today, I have a special prayer. I pray for Obama -- that he would be a wise, godly leader. I pray for America, that we would be united and work together for what's right. I pray that the still lingering resentment in some communities towards Obama would fade away and be replaced by respect. I pray that we would be a godly, loving nation. And I pray that God would bless America -- not because we deserve it, but because He is merciful. May we turn back to Him, and be good representatives of Him.

Monday 19 January 2009

Played a chess game with Sarah (my college friend, not my sister, though she is my sister in Christ) last night. I was doing so well and dominated almost the entire game! ...And then I let a pawn slip by and lost. A rematch is definitely in order.

Today's Martin Luther King Day, so there's no classes. And tomorrow's Inauguration Day!! Am really excited and hope that good change will happen through Obama's presidency.

One last application to put in (Oxford). Hopefully will get it done today.

-- Amy

Saturday 17 January 2009

"Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto -- duh duh duh duh duh duuuuuuuh". I have had that song stuck in my head for three days now. I really have no clue why.

Yesterday I went to my etymology class where we covered the history of the English language as well as its hypothetical prehistoric history. I loved it! It's so nice to be in classes where I get to talk about this stuff again! (By the way, our class is doing an online word blog, where we have to make submissions for assignments. It's at . This past week we had to choose a word which we like and explain why we like it. I chose "kookaburra"). After class, I came back to my room and had a rather long and dream-filled nap. I woke up with a general sense of well-being and contentment, which was nice. Beth, Sam, and I went out to Domoyaki for Supper, and I had my 'usual' (avocado rolls and grilled veggies -- soooo good!). Came back and watched the new episode of Monk (not as good as I expected) before going on duty. There was a party going in the suite across the way from mine, so I spent most of the night trying to keep a general eye on what was going on so that noone hurt themselves or died of alcohol poisoning. Also, last night was the first time that I have ever walked in on people making out on a common room couch. It was awkward, and I don't think they were even my residents, but they slept there all night (I didn't particularly care to look long enough to scrutinize and figure out whether they were or not). Also, last night I had a really strange experience. After coming back from a round, I put in my earphones and as I slipped off my pea coat, ZAP! I got a small electric shock in my ear from the earphones! It didn't really hurt, but I thought "Whoa!... That's the first time anything like that has ever happened to me in my life!". I mean, I understand the logic behind it, but I just hadn't ever thought about the possibility of getting a static electric shock through your ear! Bizarre, isn't it?
Today I slept in late, on account of having to stay up 'till 2 a.m. (kind of strange to think that some of my friends in england were probably just waking up at that point). I think watched a couple youtube vids of mr. bean before going to lunch with Sarah, Sam, and Beth. After lunch, I came back here and chatted on skype with Rachel (it was so good to hear from her!) for a bit. The rest of the afternoon was general relaxing with a little bit of knitting. Went out at around 6:30 with Sam and Beth to Walgreens (for a prescription for Beth) and Kroger (for assorted groceries and dinner). Beth and I bought a frozen spinach and mushroom pizza which was delicious and we ate it while watching an episode of John and Kate Plus Eight. Came back and had a surprising e-mail from Keon. The title said "Shocking News!", but it still wasn't the kind of 'shocking news' that I had expected. Was rather surprised, but did watch his youtube videos on the logic behind his current beliefs, which I thought were really well put together, though I may not personally share his convictions. I'll have to collect my thoughts a bit more before writing anything more about that. Was called out by a resident to listen to a washing machine (the concern was legitimate and not as silly as it sounds), but luckily nothing ended up being wrong with the unit. Got on duty and chatted with Emma for a bit. And that's all for now! Hopefully no funny business will be going on in the Houses tonight.

-- Amy

Thursday 15 January 2009

A rather good (albeit cold) day. Got up late and enjoyed having a teacup sized serving of applesauce for breakfast. Had a lovely face time with God, lounged around, and knitted a bit before going to meet up with Beth and Sam for lunch. I had completely forgotten about Sundae Thursdays and was very happy to make myself a nice sundae for desert. Went back to my room and tried to finish up on some reading before heading to class at 1:00. After class, I came back to my room and watched an episode of Psych before going to supper with Beth and Sam again. Afterwards, did some more knitting (I know, I'm just a knitting fiend today!) and watched a new episode of The Office (a duel between Dwight and Andy? Brilliant!) before going to the meeting for The Profile. Got my article assignment for this month and I'm thinking it should be really easy, which I like. Have read a bit more for my homework and am planning on going to bed sometime soon. It really was so cold today! The ground was pretty much covered in Hoarfrost and we're supposed to have a low of 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Brr!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Today's Quote: "English is a beast." -- Dr. Resinski

Today has been fantastic. I went to my first Etymology and Philology class, which I'm very excited about. Also finished reading "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis, and have therefore finished reading the Space Trilogy. Excellent. Also finally opened up that jar of applesauce. I also finally received my long lost birthday card from my 20th birthday.

~*Story Time*~

In 2007, I came down for my birthday, since I was going to be studying in England that year. My friends here at Hendrix showed me an excellent time and I don't think I've ever had a better birthday party or have been more touched. At the birthday party, they presented me with a construction paper birthday card, which they had all signed. I loved it. The next day, I took a couple trips to get everything into my car and drove off. It was hot that day, so I had both windows rolled down a bit in hopes of cooling off. On interstate 412 (a toll road), some papers blew around in the back seat suddenly, and I thought that my birthday card flew out of the window. I pulled over at the next stop and cried, lamenting my loss. I really liked that card because it had all the well-wishes from my friends. However, it was getting late, and I still had a couple more hours to go, so with a heavy heart, I continued on my way. A month or so later, Lacey informed me that one of her residents had found it on top of her car and had given it to Lacey. Apparently, when I was putting things into my car, I had set it ontop of the car next to mine and had forgotten about it being up there. Having thought that my card was forever lost on the side of the road, I was so happy to hear that news. When I came back to Hendrix before Christmas, Brigid and Grace were supposed to give it to me, but they had lost it in their room. So, finally, the card was put back in my posession. It's just so cool when God restores something to you, which you thought was lost.

And that's pretty much it for today.
So, two days ago, I bought a jar of applesauce. I figured that it would be nice to have for breakfast and was really looking forward to opening it yesterday. So, yesterday morning, I set up some water for boiling and proceded to try to open the applesauce jar. It wouldn't open! I tried at various times for two hours to no avail. This morning is now the second morning of my disappointment. Either I'm really weak, or my hands are not coarse enough to adequately grip the lid. Just a random story.

In other news, I have recently discovered that I might actually prefer reading to watching television! This is a revelation. The reason why I say this is that I am a tv-freak. Seriously, I get sucked into television. WhenI was little, my mom would find me glued to the tv (don't worry, I got tons of playing time in as well. I just love the stories and plots, etc. Even now, when a telivision is on, no matter what is on it, I tend to zone in on it and get a sort of dazed look. Frightening, isn't it? So recently, I've been trying to cut back on my television watching. Instead, I've been reading books, such as C.S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength. And I find that I love it! I actually don't feel as much need to watch stuff throughout the day and feel more accomplished afterwards! It's a lovely feeling. Now if I can just stay that way.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

And now I'm back at School!

Looks as though I have an interesting semester ahead of me. I'm taking Etymology and Philology, Roman Civilization, Human Impact on Ancient Environments, and an independent study on the History of the English Language. It all sounds as though it's going to be brilliant, and I'm sure it will be -- as long as I can stay ahead of the game (which I plan to).

Christmas break has left me revitalized and ready to tackle what comes my way. While at home, I was able to get a good majority of my grad school apps finished (just two left to go!) and enjoyed being able to kick back and relax in general. Granted, it wasn't always fun (I did get a bit cross at times), but I loved being back with my family. We're such a crazy bunch and even though we can drive each other a little nuts, it's nice to be back with people who don't mind if you're act a little crazy. It is really weird how things have changed since we've grown up. And yet, they haven't. This Christmas time was particularly awkward because of the recurring discussions about marriage and boys. When you live in a family of four women and only one man (my father), the subject's bound to come up. But this Christmas it seemed to be more of a discussion than usual. And yet not much has changed. Angela's still the ridiculously outgoing one (she went down to Tennessee on New Year's Eve and had a date the next day.. the next day! How does she get guys to ask her out like that? I just don't know) while Sarah and I remain the dateless. Angela's always been the only one to have dated and had boyfriends. She's just more outgoing, I suppose. I'm more wary, personally (I think that I have too much time to think it through and analyze what could happen). But like I said, it's a bit strange that the subject came up so much. I guess it's just showing that we're all growing up (creepy!).

Alright. Onto other subject matter. Today was a good day and I got alot accomplished. I've been having a few problems with dry eyes recently. Today, I went outside and the cold dry wind kept blowing into my eyes and making them water. During class, my eyes actually started to hurt from being dry. Maybe I need to look into getting some eyedrops or something. Anyways, I attended my first day of classes today and it all looks very promising. The strange thing about my classes this semester is that they are all in the afternoons. I've never had them in the afternoons before, so it will be interesting to see how I handle the difference in scheduling my time. That's pretty much it for now. I might write more tomorrow. Hope all goes well for all of you 'til then!

-- Amy